Научно-практический журнал, выходит с 2003 года
(предыдущее название «Спортивный психолог» до 2022 г.)
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Британские ученые выяснили, что буквы внутри слова можно перемешивать еще сильнее, чем раньше

Британские ученые выяснили, что буквы внутри слова можно перемешивать еще сильнее, чем раньше

Information overload or search-amplified risk? Set size and order effects on decisions from experience

How do changes in choice-set size influence information search and subsequent decisions? Moreover, does information overload influence information processing with larger choice sets? We investigated these questions by letting people freely explore sets of gambles before choosing one of them, with the choice sets either increasing or decreasing in number for each participant (from two to 32 gambles).

Functional organization of human sensorimotor cortex for speech articulation

Kristofer E. Bouchard, Nima Mesgarani, Keith Johnson & Edward F. Chang.

Школа злословия - Виктор Шкловский

"Школа злословия" с Виктором Марковичем Шкловским.

Accurate Assessment? Asperger's Disorder, and Other Common Misdiagnoses and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted

Accurate Assessment? Asperger's Disorder, and Other Common Misdiagnoses and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted.
Perhaps you would be interested in the video of my lecture on Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnoses of Gifted Children and Adults, which was a Grand Rounds lecture at the University of Wisconsin Medical School.

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